Back to School Edition 

Peyton Oden | Fashion Editor 

As the new semester begins, back to school shopping is on everyone’s mind. Whether it’s new clothes or a new backpack, there are a countless amount of items college students purchase at the start of the semester to prepare for the weeks ahead. Below are back to school wardrobe staples that everyone needs when attending school in the south. 

Tennis Shoes 

A basic pair of tennis shoes goes a long way on campus and is a necessity if you want to comfortably walk around for long periods of time. Some college budget friendly shoes are the New Balances 550s, On Cloud X and Adidas Forum sneakers, these all can be found on varying shoe retail websites under $150. It never hurts to combine style and comfortableness while on campus. 

Slip-On Shoes 

Birkenstocks or any other sandal/slip-on shoe is a popular alternative option when it comes to getting around campus. With the heat most experience at southern colleges, it’s easier and provides a cooler walk to class. Crocs and Reebok Beatniks have both been making rounds on TikTok for being comfortable shoes to slide on to complete any comfortable look. Wear them with socks or without. 

Active Wear 

With how hot it is during back-to-school season in the south, many students will not dress to impress to go to class. On most campuses you will find students in leggings, gym shorts, bike shorts, or any other athleisure attire.  Popular brands spotted on campus include Lululemon and Alo Yoga, which are more on the higher priced side. Gymshark is a budget friendly athleisure brands that normally has their items marked down low occasionally while still providing stylish options. More expensive brands like Lululemon and Alo Yoga can be found on secondary clothing apps like Poshmark. Having lightweight clothing can help keep the sweat away when walking to classes or anywhere else on campus. 

Rainboots and Umbrella 

Rainboots and an umbrella are options some wouldn’t consider as a staple, until the weather app says it’s going to storm all week and your classes are mandatory. It is smart to have these two items on standby because many students have been stuck walking in the rain with no protection from the weather. 


Hats are a great way to keep the sun and hair out of your face while navigating around campus, they can also add to your look and give you an incognito vibe when you don’t feel like being seen. 


Much like hats, sunglasses are a great way to add to your look and hide you from wanting to be seen by your fellow students while doing the most important thing, protecting your eyes from the beaming sun. Places like Target and some gas stations carry sunglasses that cost below $20, as well as online stores on such as Amazon, have multiple trendy styles to choose from. 

Tote Bags 

A tote bag can serve as an alternative to carrying a bookbag. It can be a way to dress up your simple active wear look while fitting a good amount stuff. The bag makes items easily accessible while you are on the go. Stores such as Target, Urban Outfitters and online stores such as Esty sell multiple styles of tote bags. 

College Colors 

Schools in the south are popularly known for having the most school spirit, so if finding yourself at one of these schools, look for some clothing that matches your school’s colors. This will come in handy if you go to any campus events or for gameday. 


Peyton Oden serves as our Fashion Editor. This is his first year with Alice. He is from Birmingham, Alabama and is a junior apparel & textiles major with a minor in advertising & public relations. Peyton was a communications major up until two weeks before his first semester started when he changed his major to apparel & textiles with a concentration in fashion retail.